DW-1: A Fully lntegrated 1 MHz - 2.5 GHz Radiation-Hardened All-digital Frequency Synthesizer
M. Strackx1, B. van Bockel2, A. Karmakar2, S. Ali1, B. Boons1, R. van Dyck1, H. Marien1, Y. Cao1, P. Leroux2, J. Prinzie2
1 MAGICS Instruments, Belgium
2 KU Leuven, Belgium
A fully integrated radiation-hard all-digital frequency synthesizer is presented. Single-event monitoring of the phase-locked-loop is proposed by comparing the time-to-digital-converter output with an adjustable threshold. The validated radiation tolerance reaches 1kGy TID and 62.5MeV·cm2/mg SEL/SEU.
DW-2: SEE Radiation Analysis and Mitigation on SAM3X8ERT Microcontroller
R. Pilia1, R. Espinasse1, C. Poulet1, F. Bezerra2, L. Gillot2, B. Treuillard3, S. Dumortier3
1 EREMS, France
2 CNES, France
3 Michrochip Technology, France
This paper reports results and analysis of Single Event Effects (SEE) test campaign conducted by CNES and EREMS. The DUT used for the study was the SAM3X8ERT Microcontroller from Microchip.
DW-4: SEE characterization for a Quad 12-bit 1.6 GSps ADC, Digitizing up to 6.4 GSps (April 2021)
O. Bonnet1, R. Pilard1, S. Pelé1
1 Teledyne e2v, France
The EV12AQ600, a quad channel 12-bit 1.6GSps ADC, was submitted to a heavy ions test, in order to evaluate its sensibility to Single Event Effect up to a LET of 67 MeV.cm2/mg.
DW-5: Total dose effects on large quantities of LM239N comparators from two manufacturers
R. Sharp1, J. Voegtli1, E. Bradley2
1 Radtest Ltd, United Kingdom
2 University of the West of England, United Kingdom
1,000 LM239N quad comparators (two manufacturers, ten date codes) have undergone TID testing to improve the definition of the optimum sample size for such a test. This paper presents the raw results of the work.
DW-6: Single Event Effects Characterization of 55-65nm NOR flash for Space Applications
B. Tanios1, M. Kaddour1, B. Forgerit1, F. Guerre1, C. Poivey2
1 Alter Technology TÜV Nord France, France
2 European Space Agency (ESA/ESTEC), Netherlands
This work presents a comparative study of Single Event Effects (SEE) radiation sensitivity of two COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) 55-65nm NOR flash memories for space applications.
DW-7: Single Event Effects Characterization of 24-36nm COTS NAND flash for Space Applications
B. Tanios1, M. Rousselet1, F. Lochon1, B. Forgerit1, F. Guerre1, C. Poivey2
1 Alter Technology TÜV Nord France, France
2 European Space Agency (ESA/ESTEC), Netherlands
This work presents a comparative study of Single Event Effects (SEE) radiation sensitivity of two COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) 24-36nm NAND flash memories for space applications.
DW-8: Testing of COTS Multiplexer in the Framework of the ESA CORHA Study
M. Wind1, C. Tscherne1, M. Bagatin2, S. Gerardin2, L. Huber1, M. Latocha1, A. Paccagnella2, M. Poizat3, P. Beck1
1 Seibersdorf Labor GmbH, Austria
2 University of Padova, ltaly
3 ESA, Netherlands
We present TID radiation response test data of commercial multiplexers as part of the ESA CORHA study that investigates relevant COTS components and finally aims to formulate a test-data based ad-hoc RHA approach for COTS.
DW-9: SAMRH71F20C RHBD 32-bits Flash Microcontroller Single Event Effects & TID evaluation
G. Bourg Cazan1, J. Bernard1, S. Furic1, E. Leduc1, A. Solere2
1 Microchip Technology Nantes, France
2 Microchip Technology Rousset, France
This paper reports the results of Single Event Effects (SEE) and Total lonizing Dose (TID) test campaigns conducted by Microchip on the ARM® Cortex® M7 SAMRH71F20C Microcontroller
DW-10: Updated Radiation Performance of lntersil's Commercial Space Plastic Parts
W. Newman1, N. van Vonno1, S. Singer1, P. Lawrence1, E. Thomson1
1 Renesas Electronics America, USA
The ISL71xxxM/SLHM family of radiation-tolerant and radiation-hardened plastic-package ICs is designed to support the emerging constellations of small satellites that will provide high-speed internet connections to millions of users in communities, governments, and businesses worldwide.
DW-11: Non-Volatile Memory Destructive Failure in Standby Mode
P. Wang1, P. Kohler1, A. Bosser1, L.Thibaut2, G. Duran Cardenas2, L. Frederic2
1 3D PLUS, France
2 Alter Technology France, France
This paper presents the results of a 256Mb SPI/QSPI non-volatile memory (NVM) SEE characterization. Destructive failures were observed during SEE tests, and the DUT shows sensitivity especially in standby mode instead of Erase/Write/Read modes.
DW-12: TID Characterization of 24-45nm COTS NAND flash for Space Applications
B. Tanios1, O. Perrotin1, B. Forgerit1, F. Tilhac1, F. Guerre1, C. Poivey2
1 Alter Technology TÜV Nord France, France
2 ESA, Netherlands
This work presents a comparative study of Total lonizing Dose (TID) radiation sensitivity of five COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) 24-45nm NANO flash memories for space applications .
DW-13: VSC8541RT Single Port Gigabit Ethernet PHY Single Event Effects and Total lonizing Dose performances
B. Treuillard1, S. Furic1, G. Bourg Cazan1, E. Leduc1, P. Fournier2
1 Microchip Technology Nantes, France
2 Microchip Technology Rousset, France
This paper reports the results of Single Event Effects (SEE) and Total lonizing Dose (TID) test campaigns conducted by Microchip on VSC8541RT Single Port Gigabit Ethernet PHY
DW-14: The SEE Test Results of the different analog devices
A. Kalashnikova1, T. Maksimenko1, A. Koziukov1, P. Chubunov1, M. Kuznetsov1, R. Mangushev1, A. Drokin1, K. Bu-khasan1, N. Bondarenko1, M. Vyrostkov1, A. Nilov1, M. Maltseva1, N. ll'yin1, A. Kukharev1
1 Branch of Joint - Stock Company "United Rocket and Space Corporation"- "Institute of Space Device Engineering" (Branch of JSC URSC - ISDE), Russian Federation
The article presents the results of single event effect (SEE) testing samples of various representatives of analog microcircuits: operational amplifiers (OpAmp), relays, voltage regulators and transistor.
DW-15: Heavy Ion Test Results for Microcircuits of the SNJ54 Series
A. Koziukov1, P. Chubunov1, S. Iakovlev1, L. Arutunyan1, M. Shekhovtsov1, A. Riabtseva1
1 Branch of JSC "URSC" - " ISDE", Russian Federation
The article presents the test results of digital microcircuits of the SNJ54 series for resistance to heavy ions obtained on the test means to monitor resistance to heavy ion space.
DW-16L: Microchip RT PolarFire In Orbit Programming and SEE characterization of the FPGA Fabric
N. Rezzak1, R. Chipana1, C. Lao1, G. Bakker1, J. McCollum1, F. Hawley1, K. O’Neill1, E. Hamdy1
1 Microchip, USA
Microchip RT PolarFire FPGA in orbit programming is investigated using TID, Proton and Heavy ion in-beam programming tests. SEE characterization of the FPGA Fabric and SEL using heavy ion and proton are also presented.
DW-17L: Single Event Effects in IDE3466 Readout IC for the RADEM and NORM Radiation Monitors
T. Østmoe1, S. Benoit1, P. Øya1, J. Choe1, T. Stein1,2, D. Meier1, A. Hasanbegovic1, G. Maehlum1, A. Kohfeldt1,2
1 IDEAS, Norway
2 University of Oslo, Norway
The IDE3466, a detector readout ASIC used in the space radiation monitors RADEM/JUICE and NORM/ASBM, shows no SEL below 81.5 MeVcm2/mg, no SEU below 55 MeVcm2/mg, and no SET below 3.3 MeVcm2/mg.
DW-18L: Compendium of Total Ionizing Dose Effects Results on Commercial Power Regulators
J. Budroweit1, N. Aksteiner1
1 DLR, Germany
This paper presents the latest test results of power regulator ICs under total ionizing dose (TID) irradiation. The devices under test are characterized under high dose rates and low dose rates.
DW-20L: Multi chips heavy ions SEE testing of the COTS Myriad-2 vision processing unit
A. Oliveira1, O. Lexell1, F. Sturesson1
1 Cobham Gaisler, Sweden
This work presents the heavy ions SEE testing of the Intel Movidius Myriad-2. This device is a vision processing unit that will be part of the Cobham Gaisler High-Performance Compute Board platform targeting space applications.