Seibersdorf Laboratories supports civil aviation

Seibersdorf Labor GmbH

Seibersdorf Laboratories supports civil aviation

Our company as a member of the European PECASUS consortium will support civil aviation with information on space weather. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has designated three global Space Weather Service Centers that will support aviation with observations and forecasts on near-Earth space and atmospheric conditions during strong solar storms. One of the Centers will be operated by the PECASUS consortium.

The higher the flight altitude, the higher the radiation exposure of the aviation community. In addition sporadic and massive eruptions of very high-energy matter and radiation from the Sun can have a pronounced impact on the aeronautical ability to aviate, navigate and communicate.

ICAO has reacted on the increased risk by designating three centers on space weather services. The Pan-European Consortium for Aviation Space Weather User Services (PECASUS) represents extensive tech-nical and scientific expertise across European space weather institutions from nine countries: Austria (Seibersdorf Laboratories), Belgium, Cyprus, Finland (Coordinator), Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and United Kingdom. Their collaboration is based on a history of strong partnerships including joint projects in the framework of the Space Situational Awareness program coordinated by the Europe-an Space Agency.

In the accepted PECASUS concept the Finnish Meteorological Institute will carry the responsibility of final advisory validation and dissemination to the ICAO communication network. The experts of Seibersdorf Laboratories will provide exposure modelling.