Accreditation and Certification
Seibersdorf Laboratories are certified and accredited according to:
ISO 9001
Accredited test house Nr. 0312 according to EN ISO/IEC 17025
- Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC
- Laser, LED & Lamp Safety
- Ionizing Radiation and Radioactivity
- Chemical Analytics
- Doping control
Accredited verification laboratory No. 554
- Accredited for radiation protection, diagnostic and therapy dosimeters, dosimeters for acceptance tests, dosimeters for constancy tests
Accredited calibration laboratory No. 0612
- Antennas and field probes
- Radio frequency equipment
- Radiation protection, diagnostic and therapy dosimeters, dosimeters for acceptance tests, dosimeters for constancy tests
GLP Certification
- according to the Chemicals-GLP-Inspection Ordinance, BGBl II Nr. 211/2000 as amended
- physical-chemical testing according to REACH
GMP Certification
- production of pharmaceutical products
Certification according to ISO 29993:2017
- Seibersdorf Academy
Certification according to ISO/IEC 27001:2013
Information Security Management System
Additional special certifications
- WADA-accredited doping control laboratory
- CTBT – Certification (Radionuclide Laboratory Austria, ATL03)
- IECEE/CB Testing Laboratory
- Technical service for automotive-EMC-type approval
- FCC Recognition as accredited EMC Test Laboratory No: 835627