Celebration together with Austrian emergency services and armed forces

Seibersdorf Labor GmbH

Celebration together with Austrian emergency services and armed forces

On 3rd May 2013 Seibersdorf Laboratories celebrated together with Austrian emergency services and armed forces the 50th anniversary of joint radiation protection training.

50 years ago, the experts at Seibersdorf together with the Austrian emergency services and armed forces launched an initiative to establish common standards for emergency response training for radiation protection in Austria.

Their aim was to deliver efficient radiation protection in an operational deployment context by offering joint drills and standardized training while also putting the latest scientific and technical developments into practice. To date, the emergency response training remains at the heart of training and deployment preparation programmes.

Together, Seibersdorf Laboratories, the Austrian emergency services and armed forces and the relevant authorities form a highly effective network of mutual support and assistance. This enables them to provide a rapid and coordinated emergency response to radiation incidents.

On the morning of 3 May 2013, the Austrian Association for Radiation Protection (ÖVS) held its spring conference in Seibersdorf, in the afternoon Seibersdorf Laboratories and its partners invited to a practical presentation and exhibition about Radiation protection technology, Decontamination, Radiation protection measuring instruments, Emergency procedures, Simulations and dispersion models and a joint large-scale drill.


>> Radiation Protection Training