Radiation Hardness Assurance

Space Radiation Effects to Components and Systems

Michael Wind, Peter Beck, Marcin Latocha, Christoph Tscherne
Seibersdorf Laboratories, Austria


Semiconductor devices are pervasively deployed in analog and digital applications for earth and space due to being cheap, small, fast, light weighted, and offering high functionality. When exposed to ionizing radiation semiconductor devices are vulnerable to a variety of damaging mechanisms. Effects due to radiation have been observed and investigated for many decades by now and a lot of insight into the phenomena has been gathered and documented in literature (e.g. [1] - [6]). This presentation intends to give an overview on the major types of radiation effects, i.e. Total Ionizing Dose (TID), Single Event Effects (SEE) and Total Non-Ionizing Dose (TNID) effects. The basic radiation effects are illustrated that occur in electronics when they are exposed to the different radiation sources. Semiconductor parts being scheduled for operation in a radiation environment, e.g. satellite’s electronics, require a decent knowledge on their susceptibility to the present radiation environment which raises the need for radiation tests. To assure the significance of such test and the comparability of the results testing is typically performed according to standards (e.g. [7] - [9]). Basic information on test procedures and available test standards is given.


[1]  A. Holmes-Siedle, L. Adams, Handbook of radiation effects, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 2002

[2]  Proceedings of the Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC) Conference, published yearly in the December issue of IEEE-Trans. Nucl. Sci

[3] Proceedings of the Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) Conference, published yearly by IEEE.

[4]  M. Wind, J. V. Bagalkote, P. Clemens, T. Kündgen, M. Latocha, W. Lennartz, S. Metzger, M. Poizat, Sven Ruge, M. Steffens, P. Beck, Comprehensive Radiation Characterization of Digital Isolators, 16th European Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Proceedings, 2016

[5]  M. Wind, P. Beck, J. Boch, L. Dusseau, M. Latocha, M. Poizat, A. Zadeh, Applicability oft he Accelerated Switching Test Method – A Comprehensive Survey, Radiation Effects Data Workshop (REDW), 2011

[6]  M. Wind, J. V. Bagalkote, P. Beck, M. Latocha, M. Poizat, TID and SEGR Radiation Characterisation of European COTs Power MOSFETs with Respect to Space Application, 15th European Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Proceedings, 2015

[7]  European Space Component Coordination, Total Dose Steady-State Irradiation Test Method, ESCC Basic Specification No. 22900, issue 5, 2016

[8]  MIL-STD-750-F Test Method Standard, Method 1019.5, Steady-State Total Dose Irradiation Procedure, Department of Defense, 2016

[9]  European Space Component Coordination, Single Event Effects Test Method and Guidelines, ESCC Basic Specification No. 25100, issue 2, 2014