
Introduction to Space Radiation Effects
Michael Wind1, Peter Beck1, Christoph Tscherne1, Lukas Huber1, Marcin Latocha1
1 Seibersdorf Labor GmbH
Semiconductor devices are widely used in analog and digital applications on Earth and in space because they are cheap, small, fast, lightweight, and provide high functionality. When exposed to ionizing radiation, semiconductor devices are susceptible to a variety of damage mechanisms that have been observed and studied for many decades. Many findings on these phenomena have been compiled and documented in the literature (e.g. [1] - [6]). This presentation will give an overview on the main types of radiation effects, i.e., total ionizing dose (TID), single event effects (SEE), and total non-ionizing dose (TNID). The basic radiation effects that occur in electronics when exposed to the various radiation sources are presented. Knowledge on such effects is crucial for radiation effects engineers as semiconductor devices intended to be operated in a radiation environment, such as satellite electronics, require adequate knowledge of their sensitivity to the current radiation environment, which entails the need for dedicated radiation testing.
[1] | A. Holmes-Siedle, L. Adams, Handbook of radiation effects, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 2002 |
[2] | Proceedings of the Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC) Conference, published yearly in the December issue of IEEE-Trans. Nucl. Sci |
[3] | Proceedings of the Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) Conference, published yearly by IEEE. |
[4] | M. Wind, P. Beck, J. Boch, L. Dusseau, M. Latocha, M. Poizat, A. Zadeh, Applicability of the Accelerated Switching Test Method – A Comprehensive Survey, Radiation Effects Data Workshop (REDW), 2011 |
[5] | C. Tscherne, et. al., Testing of COTS Operational Amplifier in the Framework of the ESA CORHA Study, RADECS REDW 2020, 10.1109/RADECS50773.2020.9857692 |
[6] | M. Wind, et. al. Testing of COTS Multiplexer in the Framework of the ESA CORHA Study., RADECS REDW 2021, DOI: 10.1109/RADECS53308.2021.9954531 |