November 10th, 2020 - ONLINE
The RADHARD-Symposium 2020 was going to focus on radiation hardness assurance topics:
- SmallSats and COTS Components Testing
- Practical Aspects of Radiation Hardness Assurance
- Radiation Hardness Testing with Laser Systems
International experts were going to present new results and highlighting reviews.
The RADHARD-Symposium is aimed at space systems integrators, EEE manufacturers, stakeholders from industry, research and science as well as students interested in radiation effects.
The online event is organised by Seibersdorf Laboratories, supported by the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria, Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), and AUSTROSPACE, in liaison with Graz University of Technology, University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt (FHWN), and with RADECS.